Tuesday 4 October 2011

On the Run

Yes, I am now that guy who's on the run. A couple of my memories are coming back. However, there's still nothing about me and who I am. I don't know why.

I remember. I remember a woman.I remember she's called Rain. The Rain. I now also remember Scarlet. The little girl in a red dress. Yes, Scarlet indeed. They are both together. I remember a poem. A poem from Rain.

Little Scarlet Red
Big Brother Blue
Talk she said
No can do
The Stars Beyond
Two Earths Unite
The Bridge Bond
To one tonight

Sunday 18 September 2011

With Some Experts

I am currently staying with some people who are computer experts. One of them in fact has previously worked for FAILTECH, however, he has been removed from his position for misbehaviour. I know it's a gamble to stay with them, but I decided to take risk it. They have the internet access I need, I secure one which cannot be tracked down easily, if not at all.

Of course, staying with them has it's price. They are interested in a few things about FAILTECH. Some, I think I could answer, but most of them I cannot answer simply because of my memory being missing. They say they could access some of the nano-particles that FAILTECH had injected to me, but only if we get to a particular FAILTECH facility which houses the equipment we need.

I can't state here which facility, or how far we are from it. They say they could detect the nano-particles using this scanner they "smuggled" from a FAILTECH office years ago.

Since they think I am of a very high importance, they are willing to cooperate and figure out what has been done to me exactly and get me fixed. They say they will be in contact with one of you guys who had emailed me soon. They didn't want to catch some attention since some of you have been in contact with FAILTECH. Because, FAILTECH might be wire-tapping you guys since you are also in contact with me.

What do you guys think? Is this risk too risky? Or is it a fair deal and I should push through? I don't see any other way out of this if I continue to hide and do nothing.

Oh, and yes, we still don't know if these nano-particles are indeed what's giving me super powers or if they are responsible for my memory loss.

Friday 9 September 2011

The outside world

So, I was able to escape the area I was kept in. On my way out, I could definitely say that I am fortunate to be alive and be kept in a highly secure area from who ever took the entire facility down.

I am now in care of an old couple, of which I won't be detailing who and where. But, I am already at a very significant distance away from the facility. It was a good thing that the old man is good with computers. He says he had worked for a tech company years back a network admin. He still kept his skills intact, which is why he setup a complex proxy for me so that I can access this email and my blog without getting tracked. I know who ever abducted me will be supervising this email address, but I am still safe at the moment. I won't stay long with these couple, as I don't want them to get harmed.

I don't know if I will still be able to login to this email and blog later on, but I'll just say that I am glad to be outside again. I don't think I will be of any harm to anyone outside. None of my super abilities work, so I don't think I will hurt anyone.

Anyway, the facility I came from seemed to be abandoned. Most people who were not killed, were either taken away or ran away. The facility almost had no power, some sections were dark. I explored a bit, and got into this room where the computer spoke to me. He says his name was Arnold. He says, he had just transferred me all necessary credentials and that I should go and talk to Ruby. He did not provide any information about who Ruby is, or where to find her. I hope anyone who's helping me out knows something about Ruby.

About the credentials, he says, I will use these credentials in the future. It was supposed to be handed over once my test has completed, but this incursion of the facility has left the test incomplete and that I would not be able to use my abilities unless I see Ruby.

I don't know if I should see Ruby. Who is this Ruby? Do you think it would a good idea to get my super abilities back? Or do you think I will be fine without them?

I asked Arnold about my memories and why I am aware of other things, but I don't know about who I am. His answer to me still perplexes me. He said, I am the one who would know everything except who I am. Because I am the one who should know everything. It seems illogical that I will know everything, but not who I am.

I don't know if I'll be in contact anytime soon. I'll be all around, and I don't know where exactly I'll be going. I have also heard the mp3 file on my blog, and it scares me. Did anyone came to help them? Who are these intruders? For now, I'll lay low. I'll try to avoid this FAILTECH, or at least make myself less like to be noticed by them. I still need to sort thing out. If you know who Ruby is, help me out. I hope I'll find another secure connection once I leave the old couple.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Still Alive

I don't know what happened for the past hours, and I am still definitely trapped here. The network was down for hours and it just got back up. The alarm is gone as well, but yes there was an alarm about some intruder. I don't know how it resolved itself or what happened or is happening. It's been hours since it happened, so far nothing seems to be happening to me. No, I didn't cause this. I was actually trying to do something else but not of this scale.

I am still trying to see if I can escape, maybe in a way this event would have opened up some compromise to help me escape. I'm still figuring out if there is, and how. So far, internet is back up which is why I can post on my blog again. I also saw that automated post on this blog. I can't open the file since I can't access Docs. I'll just leave it that way. Maybe later on I can open it or what not.

I don't know if I should feel scared right now. I know I'm not scared, but should I be? Right now, I'm focusing to see if I can escape. I hope you guys have suggestions, or have a knowledge of what's happening outside of my room. Yes, I have also not been fed for hours. I'm not starving, yet. But soon enough, I will. So until my captors make contact with me one way or another, we need to figure out something.

Monday 5 September 2011


This is emergency protocol 5. This content has been auto generated by an external service. A transmission has been intercepted. A system note has been posted that explicitly allowed this emergency transmission be published on this location in case any emergency has occurred.

NUMBER 45459 might be in danger.


Sunday 4 September 2011

Google Plus and Food

I know someone has already suggested Google Plus, but first of all, I can't do Google Plus... Mostly because it is blocked by my captors... But if it wasn't I still can't... why? Well, I don't know my real name! Exactly why I can't do that...

Anyways, if I do have Google Plus do you really think it will actually add anything helpful to anything we have right now? Hangout won't work because I have no mic or webcam... so there's no use to that... Any other feature would add nothing to help me, so yes, G+ is a no go even if I can actually use it.

Anyways, Today, they started feeding me a different meal set... Not suer what it is, it doesn't look weird or disgusting, but I am sure it's processed. I don't know what's in it but they made it look nice and all. Let's just hope it's healthy, and nothing funky is in it. You know, like memory wiping things, or whatever is making me into a "super human"... Oh well... We'll have to wait and see...

Saturday 3 September 2011

Speed Test

I may have not posted for a while, that's because I'm laying low foe the moment. They're actually keeping me quite busy around here. Yesterday, and the other day, they made me do the same Strength Test. And I think they made it much tougher. Well, that is for the fact that there's always something new. I'm guessing they're trying to me to the limit to see how far I can go.

Today, they started to give me the speed test comprising of three tests. One is running, the next one was agility (avoiding things), and the last one was speed control (how fast I can move from zero to fast, and back down to zero).

These tests are fair enough, seems like standard things they would give if they wanted to see how fast someone can go. And I'm guessing, I will do these test for another two days just like the first one.

Well, I'll be staying low for a while. Keep tuned.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Strength Test

And my strength test was just done. It went fine. However, I have met NONE of my captors. They only sent out instructions in this ticker that is basically located everywhere. I would have argued with this, or refused. But then I thought that there might not be much sense in doing so since I am the one who needs to cooperate, not them.

Anyways, they sent my instructions through the ticker to enter door A which they unlocked when the ticker updated. I went through the door and followed this path. There's nothing much to see. The path was only this all white corridor. The wall are self illuminating, pretty much the same as the wall in my room. Yep, I think I missed that detail about my room.

Now, when I reached this particular room where they will be testing my strength, I felt weird like my body just became so light weight. I literally felt like I am much lighter. It was a sensation very different that I have never experienced before, or at least an experience I don't remember experiencing.

Now, for my strength testing, there was just three things to do, 1) Push the wall as much as I could, 2) Punch the wall as much as I could, and 3) jump as high as I can.

All three I did very well as they say. I don't know how or why, but I feel like I am much stronger than to what I think of myself. It feels great. The part where I can really see the difference is the fact that I can jump really high. And I do mean REALLY high. I can't exactly say how high, but I'm estimating around 7 stories high. Incredible, I know. And the best part is that no matter the way I land, I am not hurt and that I always seem to reflexively land properly.

However, the most significant thing I can tell, is that I can only do these things in that particular room, or I do mean if they want me to. It's like it is controlled, not by me. And right there is an evidence that they really did something to me. Not sure exactly, but this may only be one of the effects it does.

Prepare for strength test

That's what the ticker says. You know, the one above the computer. I don't exactly know when. It just says, "Prepare for strength test" so yes, I am in fact preparing. Not tiring myself, but doing some routines to help me build strength. I don't even know if anything can be done in such short period of time. But I guess I'll have to do something about it.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Blogger Back

For a moment there, I mean, for several hours blogger has been out for me... I don't know why... Gmail was the only one accessible... Maybe something was up at blogger that I shouldn't see? Or something's up there that outside people shouldn't know? Not sure. So far my posts are as-is, so I guess I haven't written anything outside people don't need to know. So maybe it's something I shouldn't know.

If ever someone did say something I shouldn't know, try to email me... Maybe at least through email, they can't just filter that one out. But then again, they could just lock me out of gmail and modify what they need to. So, not much point in that.

So far, only one thing has been pulled out of my memory. And that's this little girl called Scarlet. I don;t exactly know who she is, or how old this memory of mine is. It can be ages ago when I was still so young, so she could be so old by now, or then again maybe not?

For my physique is somewhat average, based on memory. I am roughly 17 to 21 years of age, male, and roughly 6 feet high. I can't really give out specifics since I have nothing to use to measure myself or easily describe myself. Out of memory, I can tell I am of average physique, nothing so special, not fat nor thin. So, yes, I am pretty much ordinary as I can tell. I hope that answers some of the questions asked to me.

I don't know if the number they gave me has any relevance to anything, aside from identifying me. But who knows?

I am alive! Not Dreaming

Ah, so finally someone was able to read my blog. At least I can tell I am alive, in a sense. I suppose if these people who are contacting me are actually real live people and not robots or my captors then I am safe. However, seems like none of them actually knows me. That's fine, although would be really happy if someone out there actually knows me. But if that's the case, what might happen is that my captors might then just filter their message to me out.

Oh well, maybe I'm just over thinking this. Right now, I'm running out of things to do. Anyways, someone asked me about my computer.

Let's see, well my computer is as plain as it could be. Looks very much human technology to me, so I'm probably NOT abducted by aliens. But, let's not set that idea aside. On my computer, the desktop is plain. Only two links, that is to gmail and to blogger. Both of which I am pre-logged in into my account. Even if I try to logout, I get logged in when I open them back. I can't create an account either, so there's that.

So far, I have not found any clues on this computer. I'll post about that when I do. Oh, just don't know how happy I am to know that someone out there can actually read this and I know that I am able to communicate with someone. That could keep me entertained for a while, until I escape or what not.

Monday 29 August 2011

I was going through Blogger

And I found nothing. Apparently, I can only open my own blogger blog, and nothing else. I can still post regularly and all that, but I can't visit other blogs. So, no luck in that aspect. Maybe I can try emailing random people? hahaha, but that would just be crazy. What would be the chance of my getting a hit on someone that would actually know who I am. Plus, I wouldn't even know if I was actually on the right time and place. What if I'm abducted by aliens or something like that? Taken back in time, or forward in time?

That would just be crazy. But still possible! Or maybe not? Sorry, I was just trying to entertain myself here. I dead board doing nothing. And if there's something weird here today, they haven't fed me, yet. However, neither am I hungry. That's probably a clue something did happen to me. Either that, or I'm still dreaming.

Whatever. I just hope that someone would actually be reading this blog to help me out and prove to me that this is in fact on the internet.

Back From Somewhere

I'm back from where ever I was taken. It's still blurry. I can't recall what happened. I'm quite sure they did something to me. I don't feel quite the same. Either that, or I am just disoriented because of all these memory wiping thing they are doing to me.

I checked the previous post I've made, and seem like this is the third one. I don't know if they have deleted any of my previous posts, so let's just assume this is really me third post. I can't tell what's happening, yet, or for what purpose. I haven't heard, or at least, I can't remember anything about it, yet. So far, everything's still the same aside from the fact that I woke up and partly remembering that I was in another room and they did something to me.

However, I might be wrong. It could just be a dream, but who knows? Maybe it's better to assume the worse right now since I can't tell reality from a dream now. If this is in fact a dream, them this writing is pretty much useless. I'll wake up and end up writing that I think I wrote something then it's gone. Quite confusing, but I'm sure I'm handling this quite well.

If ever someone is actually reading this, other than me and the people who put me in here, maybe you could offer some help?

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Still no clue

Right now, I still have no clue to who I am or what's the purpose I am here. Whoever took me here has not done anything to me, yet. I am still partly complying to them by still eating and posting something here on this blog. No one has contacted me, yet. I suppose no one could actually read my blog, probably because this is just a fake website made to look like blogger, or that whoever took me here prevents other people to interact with me. Maybe this is just a way to keep me sane in this place where anyone can easily get insane by being alone and be unable to do anything.

So far, I just mostly sleep. This is a solitary confinement area, as far as I can say. Or maybe a torture area? I don't know. There's nothing here that I could use to kill myself if I did will to do so. But I still not that crazy to do it. I still need answers. I can't just die without knowing who I am, why I am here, and where I am.

Maybe that will be all for now. As much as I would want to put a picture of myself here so that if anyone can see indeed see this blog, someone can identify me and I will know who I am.

Monday 22 August 2011

In this place

I don't know where I am. I don't even know who I am. All I know is I woke up in this place, and I can't remember anything. Nothing, at all. So do you know who I am? I don't know where I am from. I don't know anyone, or anything.

This place I am in right now, it's a room. Painted white. Everything is white, almost. There's two cameras on the ceiling, one on two far corners of the rooms setup so that whoever is observing me can see everything I do.

There's three doors in this room. Two labeled A and B, and another is for stuff I need to sustain living, such as doing my thing and taking a bath. Food is delivered through this opening on the wall, of which is double sealed. Other than this computer, I have a bed, a side table with a pen and paper on it, and this plain chair and desk where is computer is on.

When I woke up, a note was written on the paper. It said, I should use the provided email (number45459@gmail.com) for communications and this blog to write my experiences. It says I need to so that I can remember.

But then, I can't remember. I know particular things, it's like I already know them, however, particular memories such as who I am or anything about my identity is gone. Almost like selective amnesia, or should I say selective memory wipe? I know they would be reading this blog post, and if they are, I don't know if this post won't be edited or would be left as it is as I wrote it.

I tried visiting other websites I could think of from the top of my head, however, I can't access them. They seem to be blocked. There's only two particular websites I can actually open, that is gmail, for communication, and blogger, which is where I am writting this post.

Oh, and also, there's a giant ticker right above the computer. It's still not active, but I suppose it will be used to show me instructions or messages as needed.

That will be all for now. I'll post something if I remember anything or anything comes up.